New York economy, just like all other economies, has suffered a havoc wreck because of the pandemic. Markets have fallen, sales have decreased, which have greatly pulled down the economy. However, one ray of hope is black-owned businesses. While black-owned watch brands to have faced the sudden blow of pandemic. Their sales were at stake, but they performed comparatively better than the other markets. Evidently, the black-owned watch brands, namely Talley and Twine, a 6 years old watch company owned by Randy Williams has stated that their company was doing well in the month of July. Spring break watches have also stated along the same lines as Talley and Twine.
New York times has come up with the reports that certain pockets of e-commerce continued to flourish even amidst the pandemic. The watch brand owners also have reported that the flourishment has been possible because of alternative or new media or precisely digital marketing. The prospective sales of watch brands seemed dim in the pandemic, took to a fresh dimension on social media. The outreach towards the target audience has strengthened manifolds. Speculatively another factor that has helped the black-owned watch brands to grow is the #buyblack movement. The movement after the massacre of George Lloyd has instilled a sense of humanity in the residents of New York and the United States as a whole.
One important factor that ensured the prosperity of these watch brands is that these companies made a strong online presence. The marketing and advertising strategies that they employed on the digital platform worked in their favor. Speculations are that these particular watch brands possess the potential to quell the requisite thirsts of the fallen New York economy.
Additionally, all the watch brands like Spring Break Watches, Talley and Twine, Asorock Watches, and many more have shared their stories of origin. They also have shared certain tips for the ones who are planning to set up their own start-ups.