HomeeCommerce NewsFacebook gets ever-so-close to becoming an e-commerce platform with the launch of...

Facebook gets ever-so-close to becoming an e-commerce platform with the launch of Facebook Pay

We have seen how Facebook is currently under the scanner of the US government for various data breaches and security issues it has had in the past. Also, Facebook is said to have played a role as a platform in making the Russian hackers influence the US elections and favour one candidate instead of the other to get elected. For this reason, Mark Zuckerberg has been testified by the US Congress too and he will be quizzed many times more as well. However, we know that the company keeps on churning out new features and we hope that the security of those features is maintained.

Talking about new features, it is seen that every company around the world is providing some form or the other of payment options inside their app. Basically, companies say that they want to make the payment process easier. Due to this, we have seen the launch of Google Pay, Apple Pay and other payment services like PayPal and more. However, the list keeps on growing as we now have the launch of Facebook Pay too. So Facebook wants its customers to have the experience of shopping inside the app and making payments easier with the US rollout of Facebook Pay.

However, we have to look at the other side of the coin with Facebook Pay’s launch too. And that is the fact that Facebook Pay has almost made Facebook an e-commerce platform as well. We know that users can already list their products on the platform but they were not able to directly sell them where users can make payments. With this, users can now pay with Facebook Pay and get everything sorted which is how an e-commerce platform works as well. The advantage with Facebook, however, is that you know who the seller is and can contact them via Messenger or other means to know the status of your order rather than relying on your delivery tracking page.

Alf Alferez
Alf Alferez
Dedicated writer with a strong track record of developing customer loyalty and managing general office operations. Enjoy being a part of a company where my skills and creative ideas will benefit the overall productivity of the organization. I have a strong desire to work in helping make the world a better place. Please reach out to me on alf@ecommercenext.org

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