HomeeCommerce NewsTAS USA and Super Processor together build a new card payment platform

TAS USA and Super Processor together build a new card payment platform

The US branch of TAS group, TAS USA, has entered into a deal with Hawaii-based Super Processor. Together, they have come up with an innovative and cutting-edge payment management platform called CARD 3.0 I.E.

The collaboration will benefit both companies on two fronts. Super Processor will be able to leverage the powerful and flexible payment solution of TAS USA on two sides. This includes the acquiring side (transaction processing, merchant onboarding, e-commerce POS, etc.) and the issuing side (authorizations, fraud detection, card lifecycle management, 3DS2, etc.). All these functionalities would be integrated into a single environment.

The first phase of the agreement (which would be active in the first quarter of 20202) would oversee the management and issuance of MasterCard on CARD 3.0. It is speculated that the new cards would benefit from the loyalty points and other interactive functionalities. The move will help Super Processor to transition from a mere Payment processor to a full-fledged company capable of managing the A-to-Z of transactions. CARD 3.0 I.E. boasts of offering ‘cutting-edge’ services that ride on its high customizations. The platform is entirely built on Cloud, so Super Processor will be easily able to scale if the need arises in the future. 

The collaboration will not just benefit the two companies, but also the e-commerce market in general. If the CARD 3.0 platform is exactly like it claims to be, it could make consumer transactions much faster and much more customizable. Easy transactions, as we have always known, would only inspire more consumers to shop online.

Alf Alferez
Alf Alferez
Dedicated writer with a strong track record of developing customer loyalty and managing general office operations. Enjoy being a part of a company where my skills and creative ideas will benefit the overall productivity of the organization. I have a strong desire to work in helping make the world a better place. Please reach out to me on alf@ecommercenext.org

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