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HomePIMPIM Calculator | Product Information Management Total Cost of Ownership

PIM Calculator | Product Information Management Total Cost of Ownership

How much does a PIM cost?

Team eCommerce Next has developed an online calculator to calculate the total cost of ownership of PIM implementation.  It will give you a range of your investment estimate in the areas of:

  • The prototype, User Experience and design cost
  • Customization and Implementation cost
  • Hosting and infra cost
  • License Cost
  • Support Cost

Use the calculator to arrive at an estimate today:


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Product Management

What type of company are you?

How many sku you have?

(Please include all SKU and variations)

How many product categories will be there?

(Categories, Line of business or Type of products)

Will each category will have different attributes?

Do you require rules engine for attributes?

(Some attributes will be shown based on location, time and partner)

Which channels will consume your product data?

From where your product data may come from?

Do you have dependent products hierarchies?

(Parent child, parent multiple child, parent grand child relationships)

What product relationship exists?

You need to select an item to continue


Workflow & Intelligence

Would you require a workflow engine?

(If there are approval workflows or who can see what workflows, please click yes)

Would you require multiple workflows? 

(If there are approval workflows or who can see what workflows, please click yes)

Would you require a pricing engine?

(Price lists dependent upon region, supplier, vendor, time of the year, volume etc.)

You need to select an item to continue


Data Management

Do you need data quality, accuracy and completeness management?

In what format existing product data is there?

You need to select an item to continue


Product Licensing

What kind of product licensing you prefer?

 Do you require to host the system in premises or SAAS?

You need to select an item to continue


PIM Calculator

Calculate the total cost of ownership of your PIM initiative. Your personal information is safe with us, we don't sell it to third party organization

You need to select an item to continue


Contact Information

You need to select an item to continue


Final cost

The final estimated price is :

One Time Cost 
Analysis, Prototyping & Consulting
Design (UI, UX)












Product Cost







Annual Maintenance Cost
10% of Total Costs involved
Costs involved


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :


How to calculate the total cost of ownership for PIM Implementation?

It is essential that before you engage the services of any Product Information Management solutions vendor or system, you know the price that you will pay for the service they are about to render. It is crucial so that you can tell if your budget can accommodate the cost, or if there is a need for you to make adjustments to the specifications of your PIM solution.

Well, calculating the cost of a PIM solution is so much of an arduous task because most PIM vendors do not give public price lists for their software.

The whole concept of PIM is still new, emerging, and at a maturing phase. The market, system, technology and stakeholders are still at that point where there is room for improvements. Well, what this means is that the majority of the market is still developing and running makeshifts programs. This factor is the reason most PIM solution vendors do not have publicly announced prices.

Given the level of flexibility that comes with the service, and the fact that many factors affect the setting of price, most vendors do not fix prices to their service.

For instance, to determine the price for the PIM that a brand demands, the SKUs, the number of attributes, the media engaged, the data type, languages involved, variety span of each product and some of the other factors get considered. 

Well, you can escape all of this stress every time you calculate the cost of your PIM with an online calculator. 

Factors that determine the price of a PIM solution

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Number of SKUs” title_color=”#000000″]

To determine the price of your PIM solution, you have to provide the vendor with details about the number of SKUs that you need the Product Information Management system to handle.

This single factor is a fundamental determinant of the price of any PIM solution. The cost of a PIM solution for 100 SKUs will be less than the price of a PIM solution for 100,000 SKUs. A lot more goes into Product Information Management for larger SKUs, for instance, larger storage space, transfer costs between PIM and ERP, and also the maintenance of data quality.

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Choice Of Media In Use” title_color=”#000000″]

Asides the number of SKUs that has to be managed by the Product Information management system, another crucial factor is media handling. This factor also affects storage and transfer. The choice of media determines the quality and form in which data will get stored. A brand that deals majorly in print media will require less space for quality data. In contrast, brands that need video and audio media will spend more on the cost of a PIM solution because data will include high definition video and audio contents and these contents need more storage space than those of print media.

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Number of Data Users” title_color=”#000000″]

In different companies, different teams require access to the contents in the PIM system. I’m some companies, just the sales and marketing team work with data from the PIM system while for some others, the design team, management team, marketing team, and even the procurement team need access to the system.

Although this does not directly relate to the production cost of your solution vendor, this factor is essential in the calculation of the price. This us because it shows details like the number of people to be trained, and vendors need this detail to plan training logistics and cost.

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Number of Attributes Per SKU” title_color=”#000000″]

While considering the number of SKUs that you need the Product Information Management system to manage or handle, you must decide the number of attributes that the system will handle per SKU. The number of attribute per SKU is a significant determinant of the price of any PIM solution alongside the number of SKUs. Like the number of SKU, and the choice of media in use, the number of attributes per SKU affects the data storage space and transfer cost. It also determines the level of complexity of the needed PIM solution.

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Number of Languages Required for Translation” title_color=”#000000″]

Language is a significant complexity to PIM. The more the language-translation required, the more complex the solution get and by implication, the more the cost. Some PIM solutions have several languages configured in their standard software set-up, and so language might not cause much change to the price, but most PIM solutions do not have this configuration.

[mkd_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-circle” icon_size=”7″ icon_color=”#000000″ title=”The Output Channels” title_color=”#000000″]

Considering that there are different goals for adopting a Product Information Management solution, this factor stands as a differing factor for setting prices. For some businesses, PIM solution is only a data management solution and hence is used strictly for data governance. While for some others, the purpose of adopting a PIM solution is in the integration of data across output channels.  

For businesses in the first sect, it is needless to say that their cost will be far less than those who need a PIM solution to automate data across output channels. 

The more output channels you use, the more the billing.

Conclusively, it is essential to note that these factors vary across PIM solution vendors. Some vendors do not require all these details, while some others will even ask you for other minor details (Bear in mind that these are not all the factors that determine the price of a PIM solution. Vendor requirements vary, but the ones listed here are the significant factors and the others are only demanded by 1 in 5 PIM solutions vendors.)

Try out the online PIM Cost Calculator, and you will see that it is all you never knew you needed!

Alf Alferez
Alf Alferez
Dedicated writer with a strong track record of developing customer loyalty and managing general office operations. Enjoy being a part of a company where my skills and creative ideas will benefit the overall productivity of the organization. I have a strong desire to work in helping make the world a better place. Please reach out to me on

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