HomeAmazon NewsAmazon fired New York coronavirus protest organizer, now senators want details

Amazon fired New York coronavirus protest organizer, now senators want details

It is known that Amazon and other e-commerce firms are doing their level best in order to fulfil all the orders and they are currently delivering the essential items such as groceries and other products while non-essential items will resume later. However, it is also working under a limited capacity because of the fact that COVID-19 affects each and everyone and their workers are also not immune to the same. So many have taken a leave and Amazon has also said that they will be hiring new employees for delivering the orders that are currently pending.

However, those who are currently working at Amazon are also not happy with the company because they say that the company is not doing justice to them in the working environment as well as other facilities. Also, they organized a strike in the New York Amazon facility because of the same. It was later realized that Amazon fired the worker who had become the leader of these protests. Now that everyone knows about it, the Senators are asking Amazon to reveal details of why the worker was removed.

In a letter, Five U.S. senators sent Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos a series of questions Wednesday focusing on Smalls’ dismissal, which he and other politicians, as well as union leaders, have described as retaliation. Amazon’s explanation is that they fired the worker “for putting the health and safety of others at risk and violations of his terms of his employment,”. Now, we can see why he put other workers’ health and safety at risk because COVID-19 precautions say that mass gatherings of more than 4 people should be avoided at all costs.

However, the senators say that “We have a zero-tolerance for retaliation against employees who raise concerns,”. They add that “The right to organize is a bedrock of our economy, responsible for many of the greatest advances achieved by workers over generations,”

Alf Alferez
Alf Alferez
Dedicated writer with a strong track record of developing customer loyalty and managing general office operations. Enjoy being a part of a company where my skills and creative ideas will benefit the overall productivity of the organization. I have a strong desire to work in helping make the world a better place. Please reach out to me on alf@ecommercenext.org

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