Homecustomer experienceLeading online merchants working on customer satisfaction

Leading online merchants working on customer satisfaction

Online Merchants are offering customer-friendly features at the time of checkout. With these features in hand, consumers will have more buying control. It aids in the easy checkout process. This feature will reduce friction during the payment process.

According to a survey, 2139 shoppers in America, convenience features have increased the satisfactory checkout experience. Installation of convenience and security features will increase revenue generation.

The enhancement in the security protocol feature eases up the online shopping experience. Consumers are now no more scared of online theft. They can freely and independently buy anything.

The most applauded feature was that the mailing address matched the billing address. It saves customers time retyping the address. Online merchants today also tend to provide free shipping. It attracts customers to buy certain goods without paying any extra charges. It builds transparency between online merchants and customers.

The other convenience feature which boosts customer satisfaction is the online address confirmation. This lets them choose manually where they can get the product. Choosing the availability of location from home to office clearly satisfied customers.

Most of the time, online merchant websites run out of products. The ping for the product back to stock made buying easy.

Customers who filled the survey said they were very or extremely pleased with SSL encryption at the time of checkout. More and more online Merchant websites are focusing on security protocols. The focal point to ease the process of buying is not on refunds, buy buttons, and quick add to cart.

The increased focus on these features affects the free shipping option. Online merchant websites swiftly reduced the free shipping.

Now, speaking of middle and bottom-performing websites, they are having trouble acquiring customers. It is mainly due to the lack of availability of features.

To cite the difference between the top and other online merchants, 100% of the top-performing merchants offer product ratings, reviews, and recommendations to their customers while only 73% of the mid-performers and 11% of the bottom.

The top-performing merchants offer 24 hours assistance, while only 77% of mid and bottom-performing websites offer such a feature.


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